DFK Chain

How to add the DeFi Kingdoms blockchain subnet in MetaMask with a Pocket RPC endpoint

For those who play Defi Kingdoms, you can use Pocket's public RPC endpoint for DFK Chain and take advantage of Pocket's decentralized infrastructure.

There are two ways to connect your MetaMask wallet to DFK Chain. Choose whichever method you prefer.


  1. Navigate to https://chainlist.org/?search=dfk, or go to Chainlist and search for "dfk".

  2. Click the down arrow under DFK Chain to expand the entry.

  3. In the row with the URL that begins with htps://avax-dfk.gateway.pokt.network... click Connect Wallet. (You may need to scroll the window to the right to see this.)

  4. Click Add to MetaMask.

  5. When prompted, click Approve in the MetaMask interface.

Add manually

  1. In MetaMask, click the Networks drop-down menu, then select Custom RPC.

  2. Under the Network Name field, type DFK Chain POKT.

  3. Within the New RPC URL field, copy and paste this endpoint URL:

    • https://avax-dfk.gateway.pokt.network/v1/lb/6244818c00b9f0003ad1b619//ext/bc/q2aTwKuyzgs8pynF7UXBZCU7DejbZbZ6EUyHr3JQzYgwNPUPi/rpc

  4. In the ChainID field, type 53935.

  5. For the Symbol, type JEWEL.

  6. For the Block Explorer URL, add https://subnets.avax.network/defi-kingdoms/dfk-chain/explorer.

  7. Save changes.

Last updated