Environment Setup

This section will detail the hardware and software needed to run a Pocket node.


Hardware Requirements: 4 CPU’s (or vCPU’s) | 16 GB RAM | 200GB Disk

These are just the hardware requirements for your Pocket node. You'll also need to run the full nodes of other blockchains, which may have their own hardware requirements that surpass Pocket's.


There are three ways to install the software you need to run Pocket Network.


Install your dependencies

Create source code directory

mkdir -p $GOPATH/src/github.com/pokt-network && cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/pokt-network

Download the source code

git clone https://github.com/pokt-network/pocket-core.git && cd pocket-core

Checkout the latest release

git checkout tags/<release tag>

Make sure you have $GOPATH setup

echo $GOPATH

Build your binary and put it in the $GOPATH/bin directory

go build -o <$GOPATH/bin directory> <source code directory>/...

Test your installation

pocket version

Check your version number against the latest release here.


Install your dependencies

Install using Homebrew

brew tap pokt-network/pocket-core && brew install pokt-network/pocket-core/pocket

Test your installation

pocket version


See pokt-network/pocket-core-deployments


  • Reverse Proxy: For SSL termination and request management

  • Ports: Expose Pocket RPC (Default :8081) and P2P port (Default: 26656)

  • SSL Cert: Required for Validator's serviceURI

Set your Open Files Limit

ulimit -Sn 16384

This Open Files Limit is set based on the standard config provided with Pocket Core in <datadir>/config/config.json. If you modify your config, you will need to ensure that you modify your Open Files Limit too, according to the formula below.

The required ulimit can be calculated using this formula:

({ulimit -Sn} >= {MaxNumInboundPeers} + {MaxNumOutboundPeers} + {GRPCMaxOpenConnections} + {MaxOpenConnections} + {Desired Concurrent Pocket RPC connections} + {100 (Constant number of wal, db and other open files)}

Secure your Server

Make sure the server that hosts your node is protected by up-to-date anti-virus and anti-malware software. Protect your node with a firewall but make sure to maintain login access for yourself and keep the above ports open.

Last updated